Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Old-Divisions-New Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized October 17 1924 Chartered November 28 1924
Key #01290 38th District Club
Sponsor Alexandria Kiwanis
Divisions 01 10 02
Regions NoVa | National Capital
Population (1924) 1,215

Division 01
(Volume 2) (C R C Johnson)
President G Raymond Ratcliffe, Secretary James E Bradford

The credit for the organization of the Kiwanis Club of Manassas, Virginia, is due to Mr G Raymond Rateliffe. We had a Business Men's League, a Retail Merchants' Association and other organizations of the kind that blazed up, burned more or less brilliantly for a while and died without accomplishing much.

Mr Ratcliffe, while attending a meeting of the Virginia Bankers' Association at Roanoke in June 1923, was invited to a meeting of the Rotarians and was immediately inspired with the idea of having such a club at Manassas. After studying the situation, he decided that a Kiwanis club would be more practical for us on account of their more liberal classification of membership and at once set about the signing up of a list of applicants.

Finally the Alexandria Kiwanis Club came up and started us off with a fine meeting on October 24, 1924 and we having been going full steam ahead ever since Merle E Towner District Governor. A committee from the Alexandria Club visited us on Ladies' Night, December 4, 1924, and presented us with our charter and a beautiful Kiwanis banner from our parent club in Alexandria.

Officers until January 1 1926
President G Raymond Ratcliffe, Vice President Rev A S Gibson
Secretary James E Bradford Treasurer Harry P Davis
Trustee T E Didlake

While ours is a small club, we have a close, enthusiastic and harmoniously working organization of 41 members and have accomplished something, perhaps the greatest of which is getting the business men of the town to work together in a friendly spirit.

We attended to our duties as a member of the Capital District, always having representatives at the District meetings, both conferences and conventions and sent a delegate to the International Convention in Montreal.

Among the things which we have done for the good of the community have been: meetings in different parts of the county to acquaint others with Kiwanis; supplied Christmas cheer for the unfortunate Dr E H Marsteller, Chairman of the Underprivileged Child Committee, has done splendid work with the assistance of the club We sent a number of crippled children to the hospital at Richmond and the University of Virginia at Charlottesville A number of undernourished children were provided with a well balanced luncheon each day of the winter at the public school About 500 luncheons were served them at the expense of the Kiwanians and the results were most gratifying About 30 children were sent to Georgetown Hospital in Washington for work on their throats and noses, the work being done by Dr Fred Schreiber without charge, the Kiwanis Club paying the hospital charge.

We helped put across a bond issue for a new and much needed high school building.

We have held Ladies' Nights about three times a year and have had successful and largely attended meetings The last one was unusual as the committee turned the program over to the wives of the Kiwanians and they furnished a very entertaining evening.

The club furnished and erected many highway signs over the county, giving directions and distances from outlying points to Manassas and greetings from the Kiwanis Club.

One of the best things we have accomplished for Manassas has been to bring about a better understanding and a closer co-operation with the farmers of Prince William County Our farmers meetings have been very successful At these meetings each member of the club is expected to bring one or mare farmers as his guests, and the programs were especially designed to entertain the farmer visitors.

We have entertained many guests during our existence, among them being Merle E Towner of Baltimore, J Randall Caton, Julian Y Williams, Harry B Caton and Kenneth W Ogden of Alexandria, R Walton Moore and Harry G Kimball.

Almost every issue of importance to the town has been discussed first before the Kiwanis Club until we are ready to agree with the headline of an editorial that appeared in the Manassas Journal, which said, A new spirit has come to Manassas It is Kiwanis.

President G Raymond Ratcliffe, Vice President Eli Swavely
Secretary James E Bradford, Treasurer J L Moser
Trustee Thomas H Lion

The year was a very successful one of the club While the membership remained at about the same figure, the attendance for the year showed a marked increase, especially towards the last of the year This was due to two things: First, dropping members who were indifferent and then taking in their places men who would take an interest in the work of the club and, secondly, our increased activities

We entertained a number of notable visitors during the year, among others, District Governor Merle E Towner, Captain Grant Williams of the New York Police Department, Mark Lansburgh, President of the Washington Club; Harry G Kimball, Distirict Historian; Dr Tisdale of the U S Department of Agriculture, W H Montgomery of Richmond, John McGill of Washington and General William Mitchell of Middleberg All of these gentlemen, as well as a number of others, delivered addresses to regular meetings of the club

The Underprivileged Child Committee was probably the most active of the committees This committee arranged to have fifteen children supplied with hot lunches every school day during January and February with most excellent results They took twenty-one children to Washington hospitals for tonsil operations, paid a $150 hospital bill for a crippled girl, bought a brace for another, and sent still another to the hospital where she is still being treated but will, in all probability, be entirely cured of what was apparently a totally helpless condition

We had two Ladies' Nights, both of which were largely attended and thoroughly enjoyed We also had two Farmers' Nights, at which addresses were made by agricultural experts These meetings were well attended and quite worthwhile We held a Fathers' and Sons' meeting which was one of the best attended meetings of the year and a success We entertained the faculty of the high school and heard a discussion of their problems at first hand

We sent representatives to all of the District meetings and to the International Convention at Montreal We fell down on the Inter-Club meeting at Fredericksburg when the Washington, Alexandria and Manassas Clubs were guests, because our county schools had a celebration on the same day and our merchant members were unable to go to Fredericksburg

We met twice during the year with our county neighbors, Sudley and Bethyl, and in both cases had interesting and well attended meetings

We arranged for a special train to carry citizens of the county to Charlottesville to meet the State Highway Commission in an endeavor to get them to complete the link of road between Manassas and the Lee Highway We were partly successful but were especially gratified that 150 of us could pull together

We held a very successful Christmas celebration, all of which was due to the interest, energy and ideas of Fred Hynson He collected all the broken toys that the people of the town had and, enlisting the help of some idle Kiwanians, he repaired, repainted and generally made new and acceptable gifts of them for the poor children of the community Also he collected funds with which he bought confections to go to all the children Who attended the union service held at the Kiwanis Community Christmas Tree About one hundred and seventy children were thus made happy

Altogether, we feel that we had a very successful year and that the Kiwanians have a more friendly feeling for each other and that all take a more active interest in the community and in the welfare of each other

(Volume 3)
President Eli Swavely, Secretary R C Hayden
Trustee G Raymond Radcliffe

Early in the year we raise funds for our Underprivileged Child City officials were guests of the club Served hot lunches to needy school children during the cold weather Held a picnic for the boys and girls of the Northern Virginia H Clubs

We appropriated funds for the country nurse salary Secure a Town Manager form of government We secured the endorsement of the Town Council, drew up the petition to the court, held a mass meeting to crystal sentiment in favor of it and worked in the election by which it was adopted We sent a committee to appear before the State Highway Commission in the interest of Centerville Road Appointed a committee to co-operate with the citizens of Fredericksburg in arranging for a pageant at the official opening of the Richmond Washington Highway, and took part in these ceremonies

Money was appropriated for the relief of the Mississippi flood sufferers A prize was given for proficiency in the high school We were active in a letter advertising program and induced the railroad to repair the town crossing Work was done to secure a landing field We co-operated with the State Highway Commission in locating Route 28 through Manassas Needy children received a visit from Santa Claus and we assisted in arranging for the community Christmas services

We attended the Inter-Club Meeting at Alexandria on May 13 and the First Division Meeting in Washington in November LTG Kimball paid us two visits

The best piece of work done during that year was in the matter of the county nurse Public sentiment was decidedly lukewarm on this question The movement was initiated by the Kiwanis Club and was largely brought to a conclusion through the efforts of a single Kiwanian, Doctor E H Marstellar, Chairman of our Underprivileged Child Committee He did, however, have some real assistance from Kiwanian Richard Hayden The services of the county nurse were secured largely through private subscriptions and through help from the Red Cross, the Kiwanis Club, and the State Fortunately, Doctor Marstellar was able to secure the services of a nurse and in the course of the year she showed herself to be so indispensable to the county that the supervisors have now made her a regular county official on the county payroll While it may not seem much of an achievement in this community Great credit should be given to Doctor Marstellar and to Mr Hayden

President F R Hynson, Secretary H C Haydon
Trustee Robert A Hutchinson

In February we agreed to co-operate in the underprivileged child publicity work

In September we assisted in a dental clinic

We planted trees as a memorial to those who lost their lives in the world war A shelf in the public library was assigned to us to be kept filled with good books

We had a cross-country road listed in the State system and attended a State Highway Commission meeting

Public health work and an effort to attract new industries to Manassas both received our attention We co-operated in securing a competent town manager A committee helped in the re-organization and re-equipment of the Manassas Fire Department

District Anniversary in Washington on August 29

We agreed to enter the efficiency contest, wrote essays on "Why I am a Kiwanian," heard a splendid address by Mr Terrell A large delegation from Washington visited us in April and we returned the visit in May We were, also represented at the Children's Home Society of Virginia, delivered toys and other presents to 150 needy children at Christmas, and took part in a successful community Christmas celebration

President Thomas E Didlake, Secretary Frank G Sigman
Trustee Frank R Hynson

We co-operated with the Chamber of Commerce of Fairfax, Virginia, in an effort to secure the completion of a road between Manassas and Centerville A committee attended a meeting of the Road Commissioners at Charlottesville We wanted to secure better service from the express and telegraph companies We endorsed the organization of a County Chamber of Commerce A large sign to aid aviators was painted on the roof of R S Hynson Dept Store.

Work in Vocational Guidance and Placement was undertaken We pledged aid to the citizens of Wakefield and Catlett after the tornado disaster to those communities Dr Johnson, President of the Lee Highway Association, spoke to us telling of the plans of the association A delegation attended the Fairfax County Fair Mr Charles Pickett spoke on the constitution, as did Vice-President Bob Hutcheson Moral support was pledged to the attempt to get a chemical company to locate here.

Governor Kimball and 14 from Washington visited us on March 22, and initiated two new members of the club as "Kiwanisonians" During Inter-Club Week, we were at the Alexandria meeting A delegation attended Washington on April 29, in honor of International President 0 Sam Cummings We were represented in Baltimore at the dinner given the Past International Presidents.

Kiwanians helped to make the meeting of 4-H children more profitable by taking them to the Manassas battlefields Our Fifth Anniversary was celebrated with LG-Elect Edwin F Hill as the speaker At Christmas, gifts were distributed to about one hundred and fifty children throughout the county.

(Volume 4)
President Robert A Hucherson, Secretary Frank G Sigman
Trustee G R Ratcliffe

Adopted for this year-Under-privileged Child Work, and Vocational Guidance.

In the former, it was decided to work for the removal of adenoids and diseased tonsils from the children of the county The committee made a canvass and found that there were in the county 574 children suffering from these troubles, of whom 172 were unable to pay for operations It was decided that we would take care of 100 of these cases for the year, which was done At first it was planned to use the buildings of the Swavely School, of which Past President Eli Swavely is Principal, for the treatment of these cases, as Manassas lacks hospital facilities The Alexandria and Washington clubs, however, used their good offices so that the children were sent to the hospitals in these two cities for the necessary operations and care This action was successful without exception Lectures were given by Kiwanian Swavely at Manassas and Occoquan.

Until this year, this club had done nothing in Vocational Guidance A committee was appointed with Kiwanian R C Hayden, County Superintendent of Schools, as Chairman Splendid work was done bv this committee in arranging for addresses to the school children on various vocations, which were followed by round-table talks.

The club was active in the matter of getting allocations for good roads and seeing that they were used where they would do the most good.

LTG Hill accompanied by a Washington delegation, visited the club on March 7, while on Canadian Night, President James B Edmunds and other Washingtonians visited us and presented a Canadian flag to the club and Kiwanis buttons to all the members All-Kiwanis Night was observed Governor Binford paid us a visit in August, at which time an open air meeting was held at the Swavely School.

Farmers' Night was celebrated with a large number of guests, including a delegation from Washington, among whom were LTG Hill, Past Governor Kimball, and Dewev Zirkin, Chairman of the District Committee on Vocational Guidance A delegation attended the DiviSion Meeting held in Washington (luring Constitution Week We cooperated in the matter of securing a community chest organization A Ladies Night in November, with visitors from Washington and Alexandria was very enjoyable.

A committee was appointed to work out a plan for the planting of about five acres of trees in 1932 in commemoration of tile two hundredth anniversarv of the birth of George Washington.

The poor of the community were substantially remembered at Christmas.

Division 01
President C R C Johnson, Secretary James E Bradford
Trustee G R Ratcliffe
LG Robert A Hucherson

Kiwanis Anniversary was observed.

The County School Board, supervisors and teachers were guests of the club We continued to serve hot lunches to about So undernourished children in public schools Transportation was furnished children to the clinicThe Volunteer Fire Department was entertained by us.

A large delegation from Alexandria visited us and presented the program On another occasion, Washington gave a Kiwanis Education program.

We cooperated with, the Women's Club in giving a (lance, 75% of the proceeds going to our Under-privileged Child Work A boy was sent to the hospital for the removal of tonsils and adenoids and we kept a tubercular girl in a sanatorium.

The principals, faculty and graduates of all the county high schools were our guests 70% of the club attended an inter club in Fredericksburg.

Our TB Clinic was held weekly for 3 months.

Cooperated with the Piedmont Dairy Festival Association in organizing and putting on the first dairy festival ever held in Manassas.

Host to Fredericksburg, Winchester, Arlington and Washington the last named club supplying the program Fifteen members attended Fredericksburg, 11 members attended the Training School in Washington and met with that club at its regular luncheon.

Our Public Affairs Committee attended a meeting of the State Highway Commission to secure funds for county roads.

308 packages containing toys, nuts, candy and fruit were distributed to deserving children at Christmas.

President A L Hooff, Secretary James E Bradford
Membership Jan 1 - 29 Attendance 90%

Treated 130 Under-privileged Children including 80 T and A operations, 30 for defective vision, and 4 operations at the Orthopedic Clinic Five mothers were hospitalization One program was devoted entirely to Under-privileged Child Work Delivered 169 Christmas packages over snow-drifted roads where many of the deliveries had to be made on horseback

Promoted and completed the organization of a Boy Scout Troop, entertained the high school senior class and the faculty at luncheon Held a meeting with the 4-H Clubs at Occaquon at which the 4-H Clubs served them supper A joint meeting with the Farmers Club was held in the country, and on July Fourth, the farmers were guests

The Public Affairs Committee made a study of the town's budget in an effort to retain the city nurse The club put on a Fire Prevention program at which the Fire Department was the guest of the club, and it entered a Kiwanis float in the Piedmont Dairy Festival Parade

The club was represented by a large delegation at the celebration of the l5th anniversary of the Washington club and was host to Washington, Alexandria and Fredericksburg on its own 8th anniversary

The club held nine 100% meetings Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and All-Kiwanis Night Entertained the District Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor

President R S Hynson, Secretary James E Bradford
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 94%

Put on a Golf Tournament with Washington and Alexandria to raise money for its Under-privileged Child Work The club entertained the senior class of the High School and its faculty It had a luncheon served at Nokesville by the 4-H Clubs, the proceeds to go toward a fund for sending one member to the short course One program on the use of a radio in police work Supported the Piedmont Dairy Festival.

Entertained the District Governor and a delegation from Washington and Arlington, and sent a delegation to the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Capital District held at Bay Ridge, Maryland A Ladies Night was held at Occoquon.

President 0 D Waters, Secretary James E Bradford
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 90%

Furnished hot lunches to undernourished school children starting with 30 children and increasing the number during the year to 90 A Minstrel Show written by a member netted a goodly sum for the work Baskets of candy and fruit were given to 376 children at Christmas The club gave a scholarship for a post-graduate business course in the High School One meeting was held at a church in the country The club had one meeting devoted to the Dairy Industry, cooperated with the Piedmont Dairy Festival and won first prize with a Kiwanis float in the parade.

The club sent a delegation to visit Fredericksburg and was later host to Arlington A Ladies Night was held with 100% attendance The club entertained the District Governor and members of the Charlottesville club and the LTG and members from Alexandria, and celebrated Constitution Week.

President Hunter Tiffany, Secretary James E Bradford
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 89%

Continued to furnish hot lunches for 105 children in the school When some of these failed to show a gain in weight, medical examinations were given and the causes were corrected The club promised the County Physician and the County Nurse to furnish funds for necessary T and A operations and for the correction of eye defects of county children As the result of this the defective vision of 22 children was corrected and 55 T and A operations were performed Club members delivered 253 Christmas packages to the children in the county.

Sent a boy to the Red Cross Life Saving Course and upon his return he conducted a class for boys and girls of the community The club entertained the faculty and students of the High School and presented to the retiring principal a silver vase in recognition for the service she had given to the youth of the community.

Host to a delegation from Washington and Alexandria Sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference, entertained the LTG.

President R C Hayden, Secretary Frank G Sigman
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 89%

The club continued to furnish hot lunches to school children Gave dental treatment to 100 children Entertained the graduating class of the High School, and during Americanization Week entertained 25 boys and girls with a patriotic program.

The club furnished two truck loads of supplies for the Flood Sufferers It entered a float in the Dairy Festival Parade and won first prize, and attended in a body an important Road Meeting It had programs on First Aid, Road Safety, Road Hazards, Modern Photography, Religious Education in the Schools, and State Planning.

It was host to Arlington at one meeting and to Fredericksburg and Washington at another, and attended a meeting at Fredericksburg It had two Family Nights and one Ladies Night and celebrated its own anniversary Entertained the LTG.

President James E Bradford, Secretary Frank G Sigman
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 88%

Contributed $100 to the Episcopal Eve, Ear and Throat Hospital for its aid in the club's under privileged child work Joined other civic clubs in purchasing a wheel chair for the use of the County Health Service.

Had 2 programs on Boy Scouts, one of which consisted of the explanation and exhibition of Boy Scout Work Entertained the High School graduates The club held one meeting in the County.

Visited Alexandria and attended Winchester's 15th anniversary. Held 3 Family Nights and one Ladies Night Entertained the LTG and had 3 meetings on Kiwanis Education.

(Volume 5)
President William L Lloyd, Secretary Frank G Sigman
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 91%

Raised $180 for underprivileged child by a "Womanless Wedding" Furnished glasses and provided T and A operations The usual Christmas baskets were sent to indigent families The club entertained the senior class at the High School.

Held two Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the District Governor and LT Gov.

President Edgar B Conner, Secretary Frank G Sigman
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 90%

This club tried a novel way for its welfare work The club was divided into two groups on Sundays, each group sold gas and oil, making a profit of two cents per gallon on gas and 5 cents per quart on oil Along with tips, amounted to more than $43 and was a new experience for most of the members, and they got a lot of fun out of it Examined 108 children eye and throat trouble at the monthly clinics, and gave 37 treatments for skin diseases Hot lunches were furnished to 84 children during the school session In cooperation with the Women's club, a Christmas party with fruit, candy, and toys, was given to 190 children Sent 2 children to a T B hospital The budget amounted to $581.

Entertained at luncheon the HS graduates, sent a boy to Boy State, and had a report from him at one meeting and also had a program on the Boys club of Manassas.

The club was host to Washington which put on the program, and to Arlington, and two visits to Fredericksburg.

The club had five or six Kiwanis Educa-tion program-and entertained the LG.

President David J Arrington, Secretary M C Harris
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 89%

The club again put on its project of tending filling stations on two successive Sundays, clearing $50, which was used to finance a dental clinic Aided in sponsoring the President's Ball which netted the club 25% of the receipts for its infantile paralysis work The club made contributions to a clinic in a Washington hospital and obtained transportation for children to and from this clinic It formed a real Boys Club for boys of the less favored group and enabled these boys to form a fine football team At Christmas time the club distributed five hundred packages of candy, fruit, and toys to families in the county

The club sponsored an all-day playground through the summer and made a donation toward its cost A boy was sent to Boy State, the Scout troop was revived, and an active Assistant Scout master was secured

A course was planned for one of the county High Schools which would develop such topics as how to write a letter of application for a job, how to apply in person, how to study in preparation for a particular job The club also aided high school graduates in getting suitable jobs

Hosted Fredericksburg who brought the plaque and later delivered to Arlington

Two Ladies Nights were held and one Family Night, and at one meeting representatives of the graduating classes of the four high schools in the county were guests of the club
Four Kiwanis Education meetings were held, entertained the LTG, and the club was represented at the Training School for club officers, the Midwinter Conference, and the District and International Conventions

President Frank G Sigman Secretary R M Graham, Hunton Tiffany
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 80%

Treated 215 children at a dental clinic, furnished hot lunches to 100 children, and provided funds by means of which 67 T and A operations were performed Furnished 26 children with glasses Delivered Christmas packages to 85 county families

Through the efforts of the club and under the auspices of the NYA, a trade school with an enrollment of 400 boys, sponsored a Boy Scout troop, and the graduating class of the High School was entertained at luncheon

A Farmers Night was held with 40 farmers as guests, an Agricultural Club Night was held with the boys of these clubs present, and AAA work was aided

Worked for the construction of a road connecting main highways

Sponsored a championship softball team, and held two Ladies' Nights and 2 Family Nights

Presented an Achievement Report, and was represented at the Training School for Club Officers, the Mid-Winter Conference, and the International and the District Conventions

President William E Trusler, Secretary J P Royer
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 87%

The club had the same arrangements as formerly with the hospital in Washington
The report is made this year in money rather than in number of patients Spent $7 on glasses, $75 for dental work, $3 for vaccine, $100 for loan for eye clinic, and $25 for hot lunches in the schools Delivered Christmas baskets as usual by the club

Delegations visited Washington and Arlington, and held an inter-club meetings with Alexandria, Arlington, Fredericksburg, and Washington

There were no Ladies' Nights or Family Nights this year The club's social activities came from a number of purely amusement programs Had several Kiwanis Education meetings and was represented at the International Convention

President R Worth Peters, Secretary J P Royer
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 90%

Working closely with the Welfare Department of the County, assisted needy children where directed by the Department, furnishing shoes and medicine to those not able to purchase them Contributed $50 to furnish milk to the grade school children, $20 went to the Red Cross, and $25 to PTA for correction of throat ailments Several needy families were investigated, to see that they got wholesome food and medicines Spent $400 for underprivileged children, and $100 for the Christmas fund Delivered packages to 218 children of 61 families Oranges, apples, nuts, candy, and other gifts were given to each child

The club celebrated Boy Scout Week with an appropriate program It sponsored the High School Victory Corps, and aided in forming a Girls' Service Club

It worked for the Red Cross, sale of bonds, the collection of scrap, the planting of Victory Gardens and had a program put on by the WAVES and the Marines

Attended an inter-club meeting in Washington, and later was host to Baltimore, Washington, Arlington, Frederick, and Fredericksburg

The club had 4 Kiwanis Education meetings and was represented at the District Convention On December 31, there were four members in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President Edgar G Parish, Secretary J P Royer
Membership Jan 1 - 21 Attendance 94%

President J Carl Kincheloe, Secretary J P Royer
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 96%

President Percy A Lewis Secretary J P Royer
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 91%

President George B Cocke, Secretary J P Royer
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 94%
District Chair Agriculture Edgar G Parrish
Co-Sponsor Woodbridge Club

Division 01
President Henry J Parrish, Secretary Frank G Sigman
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 96%
District Chair Music Leslie G Bourne
District Chair Agriculture Percy A Lewis
LG Edgar Parrish

President William J Saylors, Secretary Leslie G Bourne
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 93%

Sponsor Falls Church Club

President E D Gothwaite, Secretary Leslie G Bourne
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 97%

(Volume 7)
President C Lacey Compton, Secretary Leslie G Bourne
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 95%

Made 5 visitations to other Kiwanis clubs with 27 members traveling a distance of 405 miles one way Had 4 visits by other Kiwanis clubs with 26 Kiwanians traveling 123 miles one way Had social events such as Ladies Night, softball game with Lions club and a Halloween party Nine new members were inducted with a 6% net increase in attendance There were 75 committee meetings

Sponsored Boy Scout Troop 219 Sent one boy to Boys State at VPI in Blacksburg VA and one girl was sent to Girls State 2000 children were entertained at a Community Halloween Party

Underprivileged Child fund raising event was known as "Kiwanis Kapers" We arranged for the board and care of one child We furnished transportation and clothing outfit for rehabilitation case and supplemented funds for a local eye clinic to the extent of $75 Transportation and funds were furnished for corrective opportunities for several children Our club supplied 19 meal tickets to children and sponsored an Audiometer Test for all school children suspected of having hearing defects and aided in providing correct equipment Clinical provision for 5 maladjusted children swas provided also dental care and eye examination with glasses fitted for several children We arranged for travel and care for one boy with a critical asthmatic condition to Phoenix, Arizona At Christmas time the club furnished candy, toys, fruit and nuts to 75 indigent families in the county

Entertained the town council at a regular meeting and participated in arranging for a banquet and parade for the departing of the local National Guard unit Sponsored a "Get out the Vote" campaign

In connection with erosion and control, we assisted in a pasture improvement plan and helped with the Veterans Farm Club Fair offering a prize to the outstanding student in agriculture at local high school

Support of Churches in Their Spiritual Aims contributed liberally to newly organized churches We also contributed $50 toward furnishing a bus used on Sunday to carry children to Sunday school Club members attended church in a body Several members were in charge of the religious portion of The United Daughters of Confederacy Memorial Service held on May 30th

Division 10
President James B Myers, Secretary R J Ratcliff
Membership Jan 1 - 39 Attendance 90%

Inducted 5 members and 6 members attended District convention Sponsored Boy Scout Troop 158 Entertained 400 young people at a Halloween party Dontaed $50 to the local high school band for uniforms Raised $88 on National Kids Day by selling peanuts Raised $227 by means of 2 dances and a series of Lions-Kiwnais softball games Distributed Christmas baskets containing clothing, toys, candy and fruit to 175 needy children Donated $100 to send a 6 month old baby with a heart defect to Johns Hopkins Provided school lunches for indigent children and bought school books for 12 children

President Leslie G Bourne, Secretary A D Scott
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 95%

President Harry R Parks, Secretary A D Scott
Membership Jan 1 - 44 Attendance 90%

President Arthur C Wineholt, Secretary Leslie G Bourne
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 98%

Division 10
President ?, Secretary ?
Co-Sponsor Fairfax Club
LG Arthur C Wineholt

President Richard C Haydon Jr, Secretary Stewart M Beville

President Stuart M Beville, Secretary Henry B Micks

President Percy Thornton Jr, Secretary Stuart Smith Jr

President Howard Luck, Secretary Stuart Smith Jr

President Garnett Y Carenter, Secretary Stuart Smith Jr

President Francis F Wilshin, Secretary Stuart Smith Jr

President John P Royer, Secretary Stuart Smith Jr

President Johnson McCree, Jr, Secretary Stuart Smith Jr

President Claude J McLain, Secretary Franklin A Homes

President James P Davenport, Secretary Howard W Brown Jr

President Sedrick Saunders, Secretary Thomas A Hope

President Thomas G Underwood, Secretary Thomas A Hope

President Charles Warren Harrover, Secretary W Sedrick Saunders

1969 - 1970
President Lawrence C Sullivan Jr, Secretary Richard J Ratcliffe

1970 - 1971
President Lyle C Fitzgerald, Secretary Richard J Ratcliffe

1971 - 1972
Division 10
President Lyle C Fitzgerald, Secretary Richard J Ratcliffe
Sponsor Warrenton Club

1972 - 1973
President Thomas O Beane, Secretary Richard J Ratcliffe

1973 - 1974
President Floyd D Vetter, Secretary Ronald L Eskin

1974 - 1975
President Joel William Roberson Secretary Ronald L Eskin

1975 - 1976
Division 10
President Richard J Ratcliffe, Secretary Thomas O Murphy
LG Holmes S Smith

1976 - 1977
Division 10 South
President Frank A Hoss Jr, Secretary Thomas O Murphy

1977 - 1978
President Charles H Nelson Jr, Secretary Thomas O Murphy

1978 - 1979
Division 10
President Charles E Rinker, Secretary Thomas O Murphy

1979 - 1980
President Herman A Whisenant Jr, Secretary R Dale Reynolds

1980 - 1981
President James T Cockrill, Secretary R Dale Reynolds

1981 - 1982
President Thomas O Murphy Secretary Gary A Howard

1982 - 1983
President Larry W Caudle, Secretary Gary A Howard

1983 - 1984
President Richard B Potter, Secretary Richard B Milligan

1984 - 1985
Division 10
President Clifford C Blasius Jr Secretary Richard B Milligan
Sponsor Bull Run Manassas Club
LG Joel William Roberson

1985 - 1986
President Gary A Howard Secretary Martin L Cross

1986 - 1987
Division 10
President Stanley S Dick, Secrtary Martin I Cross
LG Richard B Potter

1987 - 1988
President Richard B Milligan, Secretary Ernst C Lundsford Jr

1988 - 1989
President Harold A Anderson, Secretary William C Boyce Jr

District Foundation Director Holmes S Smith

1989 - 1990
President James Fulton Hurd Jr, Secretary William C Boyce Jr

District Foundation Director Holmes S Smith

1990 - 1991
Division 10
President Richard H Boatwright, Secretary Harold E Hallett Jr
District Foundation Director Holmes S Smith
LG Clifford C Blasius Jr

1991 - 1992
President William C Boyce Jr, Secretary Harold E Hallett Jr

District Foundation Director Holmes S Smith

1992 - 1993
Division 10
President Charles F Patullo, Secretary Margaret M DeWilde
Membership Oct 1 - 50
District Foundation Director Holmes S Smith
LG Gary A Howard

1993 - 1994
President Paul F Gluchowski, Secretary Bruce Rheinstein
Membership Oct 1 - 55

District Foundation President Holmes S Smith

1994 - 1995
President Harold E Hallett Jr, Secretary Charlie Ten Broek
Membership Oct 1 - 59

District Foundation President Holmes S Smith

1995 - 1996
President George Harrington, Secretary Joseph E McGuire Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 50

District Foundation Director Holmes S Smith

1996 - 1997
President John A Beere, Secretary Harold E Hallett Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 50

District Foundation Director Holmes S Smith

1997 - 1998
Division 10
President Michele L Jung, Secretary Robert D Roudabush
Membership Oct 1 - 44
Sponsor Manassas Battlefield Club
LG Harold E Hallett Jr

1998 - 1999
Division 10
President Rick O'Brian, Secretary Deborah Ann New
Membership Oct 1 - 29
LG John A Beere

1999 - 2000
President Sharon B Soloway, Secretary Thomas O Murphy
Membership Oct 1 - 28

2000 - 2001
President Carolyn A Burns, Secretary Thomas O Murphy
Membership Oct 1 - 26

2001 - 2002
President George E Harrington Jr, Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 25, Attendance 79%

Year End: 86 Projects Completed, 361 Service Hours, $40,691 Spent, 14 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Paul F Gluchowski Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 29 Attendance 73%

Year End: 79 Projects Completed, 117Service Hours, $4,960 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Barbara Stough, Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 30 Attendance 78%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Manassas Holiday Inn

Year End: 158 Projects Completed, 600 Service Hours, $100 Spent, 14 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Nancy Stephens, Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 64%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Manassas Holiday Inn
Distinguished Club

(From E-Builder, Nov 2004) The Kiwanis Club of Manassas will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of our charter on Saturday, December 4th, at the Stonewall Golf Club in Gainesville, Virginia The cost for the dinner is $3300 Please contact either Tom Murphy or John Beere for details or reservations Since we will committed to the headcount we provide, all reservations must be guaranteed.

Contributed $312 to Tsunami Relief Effort.

(From E-Builder, April 2005) As a result of a car seat check during Safe Kids Week in February, we made contact with the manager at a local Babies-R-Us store in Woodbridge, VA We asked if their store would care to display and distribute the free car seat safety stickers we provide On Saturday, March 12th, we presented them with a display and a supply of the stickers The highlight of the month came on Monday, the 28th as nine of our members attended the official ribbon cutting for the new Carteret Mortgage Boys and Girls Club in Manassas Through our Foundation, we donated over $540,000 to help build this 42,000 square foot facility that will serve 5,000 children in western Prince William County, including the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park.

Year End: 81 Projects Completed, 264 Service Hours $9,716 Spent, 19 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
NoVa Region
President George M DePolo, Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 26 Attendance 61%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Manassas Holiday Inn
Distinquished Club Award
District Web Page Award

Year End: 77 Projects Completed, 149 Service Hours, $5,997 Spent, 19 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
Division 10
President Demmos Zahorchak, Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 23 Attendance 57%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Manassas Holiday Inn
LG John Beere

Year End: 85 Projects Completed, 115 Service Hours, $15,568 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President George DePolo, Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 23 Attendance 75%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Manassas Holiday Inn

Year End: 69 Projects Completed, 89 Service Hours, $6,191 Spent, Interclubs

2008 - 2009
Division 10

President Donald Evick, Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 21 Attendance 91%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Manassas Holiday Inn

LG Thomas O Murphy

Year End: 92 Projects Completed, 232 Service Hours, $5,749 Spent,15 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Jen Weigel, Secretary John A Beere
Membership Oct 1 - 22, Attendance 37%
Meet TH 6:30 PM Four Points by Sheraton

Year End: 5 Projects Completed, 132 Service Hours, $27 Spent, 11 Interclubs, $100 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Jen Weigel, Secretary Dwight L Morris
Membership Oct 1 - 20
Meet TH 6:30 PM Four Points by Sheraton

Year End: 11 Projects Completed, 134 Service Hours, $2025 Spent,8 Interclubs, $100 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
Division 10
President David M Rumford, Secretary Carlos Flores Laboy
Membership Oct 1 - 14
Meet TH 6:30 PM Four Points by Sheraton
LG Harry Horning

2012 - 2013
Division 10
President Douglas Marshall, Secretary Robert R Gregory
Membership Oct 1 - 47
Meet TU 12:00 Noon City Tavern Grill
LG Michael Driscoll

2013 - 2014
Division 02 National Capital Region
President Carlos Flores Laboy, Secretary Robert R Gregory
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet TU 12:00 Noon City Tavern Grill

2014 - 2015
President Harry H Horning Secretary Robert R Gregory
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet TU 12:00 Noon City Tavern Grill

2015 - 2016
President David Stinson, Secretary Robert R Gregory
Membership Oct 1 - 38
Meet TU 12:00 Noon City Tavern Grill

2016 - 2017
President Harry H Horning Secretary William Wides
Membership Oct 1 - 39
Meet TU 12:00 Noon City Tavern Grill

2017 - 2018
President Harry H Horning Secretary William Wides
Membership Oct 1 - 39
Meet TU 12:00 Noon City Tavern Grill

2018 - 2019
President Stephanie A Stinson, Secretary Terri Flight
Membership Oct 1 - 25
Meet TU 12:15 PM at City Tavern

2019 - 2020
President Stephanie A Stinson, Secretary Terri Flight
Membership Oct 1 - 25
Meet TU 12:15 PM at City Tavern

2020 - 2021
President Michael N Driscoll, Secretary Terri Flight
Membership Oct 1 - 21