Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized December 9 1931 Chartered January 26 1932
Key #01973 51st District Club
Sponsor Towson Kiwanis
Divisions 06 09 07
Region Mason Dixon
Population (1931) 4,464

Division 06
(Volume 4)
President J Albert Mitten Secretary Theophilus Kenoley Harrison
Membership Jan 5 - 25 Attendance 80%

The Charter Night was a Ladies Night with 152 Kiwanians and ladies present, including delegations from clubs at Towson, Baltimore, Frederick, Hagerstown, Washington and Rehoboth Beach The charter was presented by Immediate Past Governor Berry Plummer, whose term the preliminary organization work was done

Furnished milk for under-nourished children, held a Boy Scout Night and joined with Rotary in sponsoring the Scout movement

A program was given on Dairy Farm Inspection with seventeen farmers as guests, and many programs were given on topics of general interest The club was host to Arlington, Washington, Hagerstown, Frederick, Baltimore and Towson on the occasion of receiving the District loving cup, and eight members drove seventy miles to deliver the loving cup to the Elkton club Besides this the club joined in other inter-club meetings at Havre de Grace and at Towson.

The club held two Ladies Nights, had a joint meeting with Rotary, entertained the graduation class at Western Maryland College and had a Christmas dinner.

President F W Mather, Secretary T K Harrison
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 77%

The club continued its aid in furnishing milk for under-nourished children.

It sponsored 4-H clubs, furnishing seed potatoes and blooded pigs and chickens, and continued its interest in Scouting One meeting was held at the Scout Camp.

It had one program on the subject of making better citizens of prisoners.

It took an active part in the county fair, encouraging exhibits, and it held a picnic with 4-H Clubs and farmers.

The club attended an inter-club meeting at Towson, and was host to Baltimore at one meeting and to Wilmington at another In both cases the visitors put on the program.

Entertained the graduation class of the Westminster Theological Seminary, held a joint meeting with Rotary, followed by a bowling match, and held a successful Ladies Night.

The club had the District Governor as a guest speaker.

President Truman B Cash, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 76%

Collected used clothing from members and used this from time to time to supply the needy It helped the Children’s Aid Society and supplied milk to be distributed by it during the year, and gave a Christmas party for poor children

The club had one luncheon at the Boy Scouts' Camp It started to raise a fund to be loaned to rural students to aid them in getting through college It fostered the organization of a baseball league, with boys' teams from the different churches It entertained the graduating class at the Theological Seminary It had a program on Training Youth and Health Sports, and a conference on Recreation Amusements

It put on a "Vote as You Please but Please Vote" campaign

The club held a Farmers Night and aided in the organization of two new 4-H Clubs Furnished certified seed potatoes and registered pigs, calves, and chickens to aid them, and furnished prizes for exhibits at the fair To aid vocational guidance it furnished suitable books for the high school library and fostered the formation of high school clubs

It had programs on the Early History of Maryland, The Duties of a Juryman, The Care of Cattle and The Income and Inheritance Tax It celebrated Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays, entertained the directors of the fair at luncheon, secured work for many unemployed and held a Christmas meeting

Visited Hanover, Penna, and Prince Georges County Had a Ladies Night and two joint meetings with Rotary

The club had four Kiwanis Education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, All-Kiwanis Night, US-Canada Week and Constitution Week, entertained the LTG and sent delegates to the District and International Conventions, and the Division Meeting

President Lloyd A Bowker, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 84%

The club set up a milk fund to furnish milk to under-privileged children Furnished shoes and clothing where needed It had a program on Children's Aid and contributed $10 to the Children's Aid Society It gave a Christmas party to 62 under-privileged children

Instituted a weekly reading course for boys and girls at the Library Aided in securing Federal funds for enlarging the playgrounds It had a program on Boy Scouts and one on Girl Scouts, and contributed $50 to each for camping activities It outfitted two Scouts and paid the expenses of several boys and girls to camps

The club had a Farmers Night with a program on Canning Crops, had one luncheon at the County Fair, formed two new 4-H Clubs and furnished seed potatoes, pigs and eggs for their activities and gave premiums for 4-H exhibits at the Fair It formed a boys' baseball league with four teams

It had a program on Vocational Guidance and a College Night

The club sent delegations to the Charter Nights of Pikesville and of Reisterstown and a number of members visited Baltimore The club had an outing at the Forest and Stream Club with guests from Baltimore and Towson

The club had two Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the LTG and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, International and District Conventions

President Alfred S Nusbaum, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 35 Attendance 88%

The club started a summer camp for under-privileged' children, and gave a card party for the benefit Served 12 children with hot lunches and milk to under-nourished children under the Children's Aid Society A hobby show was put on A plan was made for having a vacation for fresh air children from Baltimore Furnished free drugs and medicine to the needy Gave a Christmas party to 100 children who had been benefited by the work of the club, and at this party a Boys’ Glee Club and a Girls' Glee Club both organized and trained by the club furnished music

The club sponsored a story telling hour for children from 8 to 16 in a local theatre Sponsored the glee clubs and had some of the songs broadcast Sponsored the Boy Scout troop and contributed $25 towards the expense of a ten day Scout camp
Members of the club became "big brothers" to the boys in the 4-H Clubs and visited these clubs The club furnished pigs and chickens for 4-H projects and helped with the transportation of their breeding animals

The club furnished speakers at the high school on vocational topics, had other articles of this kind published in the local papers, and furnished the high school students with printed pamphlets on various occupations

It put on a safety campaign, suggested a municipal swimming pool, and put on an essay contest for high school students on community improvements Suggested a field day for Westminster Sent delegations to visit North Baltimore, Pikesville and Reisterstown, had an outing with Reisterstown and celebrated Maryland Day with representatives of 15 clubs present and guests from the local Lions and Rotarians

The club was represented at Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions.

President Miles S Reifsnyder Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 87%

The club gave a hobby show to raise funds for its work with under-privileged children It had the children examined for defects of eyes, teeth and throat and gave relief where needed The teeth of ten children were put in good shape It worked with the Children's Aid Society in furnishing milk for undernourished It sent 50 under-privileged children between the ages of 8 and 16 to a summer camp, and it gave a Christmas party to 100

The club considered the idea of open showers on the playgrounds It held a Sons and Daughters Night, and continued its work with boys and girls glee clubs with good results It aided in placing shade trees on the playgrounds, and in connection with Rotary sent the Boy Scouts to camp

Entertained 4-H Club members at one meeting and held a Farmers Night with a program on the poultry industry, and gave prizes for 4-H exhibits at the County Fair, especially accenting the baby beef class, encouraging the boys and seeking the cooperation of their fathers

Attended a dinner of 250, including Kiwanians, Rotarians and Lions in celebration of the Carroll County Centennial Had programs on Better Roads, Better Housing, Municipal Affairs, County Government and Church Activities

Presented each club in the Sixth Division with a gavel made of wood from a barn owned by Francis Scott Key Sent delegations to visit Baltimore, Pikesville, Reisterstown and North Baltimore

Entertained the District Governor and LTG, sent in an Achievement Report, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions and Officers' Training School Furnished a LTG for 1938

Division 06
(Volume 5)
President Paul F Kuhn, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 92%
LG Miles S Reifsnyder

Furnished school lunches, dental work, and glasses where needed, and gave a Christmas party for 100 underprivileged children Transported a girl to and from her music lessons, put on a bird house contest, aided the Boy Scouts, gave a flag to the Girl Scouts, contributed $25 to the Scout Camp, organized a Boys and Girls Glee Club, and took it to the District Convention

Had a program on farming with 32 farmers as guests It gave one 4 H boy 100 young turkeys He lost 10 and raised the rest and made a clear profit of $19100

It had a program on Choosing a Profession and furnished speakers on vocational subjects in the County High Schools.

A Flying Squadron was organized to visit other clubs in the Division and visited North Baltimore, Reisterstown, and Hanover, PA The club was host to the clubs on Maryland Day, to 7 clubs at another time, and to Baltimore and Towson.

It had two Ladies' Nights, an outing at the Forest and Stream Club, and two joint itieetings with Rotary, at one of which the joint1v sponsored Scout Troop was present.

The club had four Kiwanis Education programs, two of which were broadcast The club furnished the Lieutenant Governor for this year, and presented him with a "Home of the Lieutenant Governor" bantier to be passed on to his successor He was elected District Governor for the next year The club entertained the Lieutenant Governor and the District Governor, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference and the District Convention.

Division 06
President T K Harrison, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 49 Attendance 91%
Sponsor Taneytown Club
Governor Miles S Reifsnyder

The club continued to give dental aid and glasses to underprivileged children during the year, and gave financial aid to an underprivileged girl It gave a Christmas party to 200 children.

Joined with other groups in contributing to a fund to buy raincoats and hats for School patrols Contributed $25 to the girl scouts and $25 to the Boy Scout work at scout Camp, and gave financial aid to the Scout Druin and Bugle Corps.

The club worked with the 4 H clubs, gave turkeys to a boy to be raised scientifically, and reorganized one 41 T club The Vocational Guidance Committee had conferences with individual college students in regard to possible vocations and secured part time jobs for 50 students and positions for 10 graduates.

Worked for a 4 lane road from Westminister to Reisterstown, placed Safety Posters in the stores, aided in the reorganization of the Chamber of Commerce, and entertained the High School teachers.

Host to 4 clubs, held an outing at the Field and Stream Club with 5 clubs represented. Visited Reisterstown, and it put on a Ladies' Night program at Taneytown.

It worked for the formation of a club at Taneytown, had charge of its Charter Night on May 24, at which Frederick, Pikevillc, Reisterstown, Baltimore, North Baltimore, Hanover, PA, Towson, and Dover were represented, and presented a gong to the new club Entertained the LT Governor and the District Governor, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, District and International Conventions, and was host to the Training School for Club Officers.

President Paul C Bonsack, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 90%

Contributed $50 to Camo Misty Mount Furnished milk, clothing, and dental work for needy children, had T and A operations performed, and gave a Christmas party to 185 children

The club had two Farmers' Days with farmers as guests Carried the Good Will Plaque to Pikeville, visited Balti¬more, and attended tile Charter Night of Halethorp Every member attended a meet¬ing of at least one other club

Held two joint meetings with Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce, another with Rotary alone, all([ liod a most enjoyable Ladies' Night

The club had two visits from the Lieutenant Governor and one from the District Governor, sent in all Efficiency Reports, and was represented at the Mid WinterConference, the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers

President Willard L Hawkins, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 94%

A "Koluedy', was given which made $350 for community welfare work The club purchase clothing for needy children and fur¬nished school lunches It purchased awileel chair, contributed to Camp Misty Mount and planned an outing for underprivileged children Had a Christ¬mas party for 200 children

The club worked largely with the Boy and Girl Scout movement Helped in the celebration of Scout Week and in cooperation with other service clubs secured a fulltime Scout leader, contributed $25 to Girl Scouts, $95 to Boy Scouts, rented a booth for the Scouts at Carroll County Food Show, and assisted in making scrap, books for the children

Members aided in the Red Cross Drive It had a Ladies' Night of its own, at¬ tended the Ladies' Nights of Reisterstown and 'Pane vtown, had several joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce, a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions, two out¬
ings, a Hallowe'en party with the Forest and Stream Club, and a stag party with Hanover, Pennsylvania

It had two programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the Lieutenant Governor, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions and the Training School for Club Officers, and at the close of the year had 2 members in the military service

President Oliver L Myers, died July 17, Paul C Bonsack, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 94%

The club had a number of programs in regard to underprivileged child work, It gave medical aid where needed and took care of dental needs and furnished a numher of children with glasses

It sponsored the Boy Scouts, aided them in Scrap Drives, worked with other boys iving them training for defense work, and offered prizes for the best Victory Garden

A nun iber of prograrris were given on agricultural subjects The club aided the farmers to get lielp in planting and harvesting, their crops because of the labor shortage It worked with the 4 H clubs, helping them in their Victorv Garden Project

The club cooperated with the other civic organizations in work for civilian defense It put on Bond and Star sales and purchased a $100 Bond It loaned $50 to a group of newsboys to enable them to sell War Stamps, and it met with the local Fire Department at its annual dinner

The club visited Taneytown, carried the Victorv Chest to Ellicott City, held one meeting at which six clubs were represented, and another at which it was host to Taneytown

The club had a joint meeting with other civic clubs, an outing with the Forest and Stream Club, and a joint meeting with Rotary, Lions, and the Chamber of Coinmerce

The club had programs on Kiwanis Editcation, celebrated Constitution Week, and was present at the District Convention and the Training School for Club Officers At the close of the year 4 members were in military service

President Ralph G Hoffman, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 93%

The club put on two benefit dances netting $250 for its community welfare work It contributed vitamins to the Childrens Aid Society and bought a wheel chair to be loaned to *invalids from time to time It gave a Christmas party with movies and gifts to 200 children

The club put on a Youth Safety Cam¬ paign, organized Boys' Softball teams to be entered in the Civic Club League, made contributions to a fund to secure a Scout executive, fostered the Boy and Girl Scouts, and aided with a benefit movie which netted $100 for the Girl Scouts and $140 for the Boy Scouts

The club held a Farmers' Night with 40 farmers in attendance It furnished part time helpers to canners and farmers in order to overcome the labor shortage It started a 4 H club, contributed through its member; see for the planting of between 25 and 30 Victory Gardens, and gave $24 in War Stamps to be awarded as prizes for the best garden Attended a large county of 4 H clubs in the fall of the year and presented prizes for outstanding accomplishments, consisting of halters, curry conibs, pitch forks, and $20 worth of War Stamps

The club gave a dance to some 300 Army Cadets stationed in the neighborhood It held a Ministers' Night at which each club member invited as many ministers as he knew in the town and county, furnished stanips for their War Stamp sales It joined the inter club council of the city, sponsored Clean Up Day, put on Bond Selling Campaigns, which resulted in the sale of $102,000 worth of War Bonds, and it gave Christmas packages to injured service men in the nearby camps

The only inter club activities consited of visits made by individual members to other clubs and the entertainment of visiting Kiwanians at the regular meetings of the club

A joint meeting of all the Service Clubs of the city in celebration of Maryland Day was made a Ladies' Night There was also another Ladies Night and a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions The club had a Softball team which played in the City League

The club was represented at the District Convention and the Training School for Club Officers, as well as at the Mid Winter Conference It celebrated Constitution Week Thirty two members of the club had 100% attendance for the year At the close of the year 6 members were iii the armed services

(Volume 6)
President L Forest Free Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 63 Attendance 73%

President Samuel M Jenness, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 66 Attendance 98%

President John H Brown, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 78 Attendance 94%

President K Ray Holinger, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 81 Attendance 97%

Division 09
President John A Bankert, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 87 Attendance 96%
LG L Forest Free

Division 09

President John R Byers, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 81 Attendance 81%

District Chair Convention Programs, Music L Forest Free
Multi Sponsor Mount Airy Club

President M Wilson Campbell, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 83 Attendance 93%

(Volume 7)
President F Kale Mathias, Secretary J Albert Mitten
Membership Jan 1 - 86 Membership 96%

Division 09
President Howell P Sturdivant, Secretary John B Byers
Membership Jan 1 - 88 Membership 96%

LG J Albert Mitten

President Lowell S Ensor, Secretary John R Byers
Membership Jan 1 - 84 Membership 04%

President Dr Fred G Schmitt, Secretary John R Byers
Membership Jan 1 - 78 Membership 98%

President Charles O Fisher, Secretary John R Byers
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Membership 95%

President ?, Secretary ?

Division 09
President Ray D Riley, Secretary John C Schaeffer
LG Howell P Sturdivant

Division 09
President Frank H Libman, Secretary John C Schaeffer
District Chair New Club Building Howell P Sturdivant
LG Charles A Pine Sr

President David H Taylor, Secretary John C Schaeffer

President Edwin W Shauck, Secretary John C Schaeffer

President Russell H Morgan, Secretary Philip B Schaeffer

President Jacob M Yingling, Secretary Philip B Schaeffer

Division 09
President Emerson H Palmer, Secretary Eugene L Purdum
LG Ray D Riley

President John C Schaeffer, Secretary L Eugene Purdum

District Chair Agreiculture & Conservation Ray D Riley

President William F Hering, Secretary L Eugene Purdum

President Robert L Jones, Secretary William E Bowman


President Irvin Goodman, Secretary William B Marks Jr

President Frederick K Teeter, Secretary William B Marks Jr

1969 - 1970
President J Lloyd Straughn, Secretary William B Marks Jr

1970 - 1971
President Alfred V Clark, Secretary William B Marks Jr

1971 - 1972
President Frank R Leidy, Secretary William B Marks Jr

1972 - 1973
President Gilbert J Barthlomew, Secretary William B Marks Jr

1973 - 1974
President S Ray Hollinger, Secretary William B Marks Jr

1974 - 1975
President Norman O Rebet, Secretary Franklin C Smith

1975 - 1976
President Russell D Martin Secretary Franklin C Smith

1976 - 1977
Division 9 East
President Kaye G Kolb, Secretary Franklin C Smith

1977 - 1978
President Donald C Leister, Secretary Franklin C Smith

1978 - 1979
Division 09
President Robert L Stansbury, Secretary Franklin C Smith
LG Russell D Martin

1979 - 1980
President Kenneth F Mussari, Secretary Franklin C Smith

1980 - 1981
President R Gerald Swain, Secretary Franklin C Smith

1981 - 1982
President M Joseph Manzer Secretary Franklin C Smith

1982 - 1983
President Lester P Surber Secretary Franklin C Smith

1983 - 1984
President Arthur N Riley Secretary Franklin C Smith

1984 - 1985
Division 09
President D Wayne Weller, Secretary William B Marks Jr
District Chair Capital Builder Editor M Joseph Manzer
LG M Joseph Manzer

1985 - 1986
President Frederick P Eckhardt, Secretary Franklin C Smith

1986 - 1987
President Dr Michael Luzriagea, Secretary Franklin C Smith

1987 - 1988
President Calvin W Bloom Secretary Franklin C Smith

1988 - 1989
President Franklin C Smith Secretary ?

1989 - 1990
President Hugh N Batten, Secretary William B Marks Jr
LG Lester P Surber

1990 - 1991
President William K Stocksdale, Secretary William B Marks Jr

1991 - 1992
President Paul T Fulton, Secretary William B Marks Jr

1992 - 1993
Division 09
President Ellis H Lawson, Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 65
LG Calvin W Bloom

1993 - 1994
President Stanley A Webster Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 60

1994 - 1995
President George R Reiner, Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 61

1995 - 1996
Division 09
President Brian M Bowersox, Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 62
Sponsor Greater Westminster Club
LG Stanley A Webster

1996 - 1997
President Isaac W Knicely Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 52

1997 - 1998
President Frances B Liggon, Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 53

1998 - 1999
Division 09
President James F Brewer, Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 52
LG Isaac W Knicely

1999 - 2000
President Robert E Seeley, Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 44

2000 - 2001
President Calvin W Bloom, Secretary William B Marks Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 43

2001 - 2002
President John P Snowberger Secretary Collean M Cole
Membership Oct 1 - 45 Attendance 65%

Year End: 41 Projects Completed, 81 Service Hours, $2179 Spent, 8 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Raymond E Shipley, Secretary Arthur N Riley
Membership Oct 1 - 44 Attendance 89%
Service and Education Patches

Year End: 74 Projects Completed, 346 Service Hours, $17,565 Spent, 18 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
Division 09
President William Marks, Secretary John P Snowberger
Membership Oct 1 - 44 Attendance 69%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM John St Fire Hall
LG Arthur N Riley

(From March 2004, E-Builder) Hold its annual Pig & Shrimp feed April 13, 6 - 8 PM at VFW Post 467

Year End: 64 Projects Completed, 339 Service Hours, $11,514 Spent, 28 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
Division 09
President Colleen Cole, Secretary John P Snowberger
Membership Oct 1 - 42 Attendance 72%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM John St Fire Hall
Distinguished Club
LG Arthur N Riley

Year End: 76 Projects Completed, 572 Service Hours, $10,536 Spent, 29 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Mason Dixon Region
President Thomas Welliver, Secretary John P Snowberger
Membership Oct 1 - 35 Attendance %
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Wakefield Valley Golf Club
District Chair Bylaws & Policy Arthur N Riley
Distinquished Club Award

Year End: 64 Projects Completed, 454 Service Hours, $11,009 Spent, 21 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
Division 09
President Arthur N Riley Secretary John P Snowberger
Membership Oct 1 - 41 Attendance 82%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Wakefield Valley Golf Club
District Chair Bylaws & Policy Arthur N Riley
Governor - Elect Arthur N Riley

Year End: 77 Projects Completed, 396 Service Hours, $12,531 Spent, 30 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
Division 09
President Donna R Riley Secretary John P Snowberger
Membership Oct 1 - 41 Attendance 69%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Wakefield Valley Golf Club
Governor Arthur N Riley

Year End: 57 Projects Completed, 225 Service Hours, $10,099 Spent, 8 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Charles Diehl, Secretary James Helm
Membership Oct 1 - 40 Attendance 32%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Wakefield Valley Golf Club
District Chair Achievement, Finance-Fund Raising Arthur N Riley

Year End: 21 Projects Completed, 122 Service Hours, $1005 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Robert Weikert, Secretary James Helm
Membership Oct 1 - 38 Attendance 49%
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Wakefield Valley Golf Club
District Chair Past Governors Arthur N Riley

Year End: 8 Projects, 266 Service Hours, $3,410 Spent, 11 Interclubs, $100 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Roger Diehl, Secretary James Helm
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Wakefield Valley Golf Club
District Chair Club Growth Arthur N Riley

Year End: 12 Projects,191 Service Hours, $6081 Spent, 4 Interclubs, $1 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Calvin W Bloom, Secretary William C Niner
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Wakefield Valley Golf Club
District Chair Aktion Club Arthur N Riley

2012 - 2013
President Richard Steinberg Secretary William C Niner
Membership Oct 1 - 28
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Wakefield Valley Golf & Conference Center
District Chair Aktion Club Arthur N Riley

2013 - 2014
New Division 07

President Timothy Owings, Secretary Donna Shybunko
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Best Western Inn & Conference Center

LG Richard Steinberg
Distinguished Club

2014 - 2015
Division 07

President Leslie Kirby, Secretary Vickie W Riley
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Best Western Inn & Conference Center

KI Trustee Arthur N Riley

2015 - 2016
Division 07
President Jeffrey Peters, Secretary Louise D Black
Membership Oct 1 - 42
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Best Western Inn & Conference Center

KI Trustee Arthur N Riley

2016 - 2017
Division 07
President ?, Secretary Sharon Hooper
Membership Oct 1 - 37
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Best Western Inn & Conference Center

KI Trustee Arthur N Riley
Mason Dixon Trustee Fredric W Lohnes

2017 - 2018
Division 07
President Arthur N Riley Secretary Vickie W Riley
Membership Oct 1 - 39
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Best Western Inn & Conference Center
Sponsor State Line Club
KI Trustee Arthur N Riley
LG Donna R Riley
Mason Dixon Trustee Fredric W Lohnes

2018 - 2019
Division 07
President Bernard Jones, Secretary Arthur N Riley
Membership Oct 1 - 35
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Best Western Inn & Conference Center
KI VP Arthur N Riley
LG Donna R Riley
Mason Dixon Trustee Fredric W Lohnes

2019 - 2020
President Bernard Jones, Secretary Arthur N Riley
Membership Oct 1 - 36
Meet 1st 3rd TU 6:15 PM Best Western Inn & Conference Center
KI President-elect Arthur N Riley

2020 - 2021
President Thomas D Welliver, Secretary Donna R Riley
Membership Oct 1 - 34
KI President Arthur N Riley

District Chair Builders Club Donna Riley
District Chair Kiwanis Kids Donna Riley