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December 2010
December 2010 eBuilder Front Page

Member Recognition: Piglet Award!

by Rosemary Cummings

At the 2010 Capital District Convention in Lynchburg VA, in- coming Governor Tom Varner commented on the breakfasts (eggs & bacon) we had been enjoying. In his "down home" manner, Gov. Tom pointed out the Chicken had "contributed 'to our meal, but the Pig had gone the extra mile and "given his all". He pointed out what KIWANIS needs is more "PIGS", members who are willing to go the extra mile. Not to make the ultimate sacrifice like the Pig did, but to participate in club meetings, leadership, activities, and events, to give 110 percent to the club.
To reinforce this concept Division 11 Lt. Gov. Marianne Smith, gave each club in Division 11 a little stuffed piglet when she installed the Officers to remind them of their new role. At a recent meeting Coastal Delaware Kiwanis President Jim Kunkle said "It my intent to present this Piglet Award to one of our members at each meeting. It will go to a member I feel best exemplifies this concept. That member will be the" keeper of the pig" for that meeting". At the last dinner meeting, Jim announced Julie Beebe was the first recipient of this prestigious award. This was in recognition of her activities involving the Haunted House during Sea Witch Festival; helping to set up the haunted house, making and placing some 40 signs to lead people from the Fire House to the Haunted House (no 3 inch nails next year Julie - too hard on the hands when removing), and setting up and manning the "Story Corner" where little children could play out" a scary story, make pictures with the five little pigs, and decorate pumpkins. Our Key-clubbers, K-Kids, and Kiwanians (all 40 -50 of them) also did a fantastic job at the Haunted House and deserve an award. Who will be the "Keeper of the Pig" at the Dec. 1 luncheon??? Attend a meeting to find out - It might be you!

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2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA

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